Irma Boom

Special guest

Irma Boom(生于1960年)是一名书籍设计师。Boom的工作不仅限于书籍的设计,还参与书籍的编辑工作。她设计的书籍超过300本,以其在艺术独创性闻名于业内。她的设计风格大胆、富于实验精神,较之传统的书籍设计,在形式与内容方面都堪称离经叛道。

她于1992年起在耶鲁大学担任资深教职,并在世界各地举办讲座与工作坊。她荣获过许多书籍设计奖项,并以其全部作品荣获古登堡大奖,成为该奖史上最年轻的获得者。Boom设计的书籍被纽约现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)、芝加哥艺术博物馆、巴黎蓬皮杜国家艺术和文化中心永久收藏。阿姆斯特丹大学将她的全部作品及文献资料收入其“在世档案”(The Living Archive)。2014年,Boom荣获荷兰教育、文化与科学部颁发的荷兰国家文化艺术奖——维米尔奖,以表彰她在平面设计领域的卓越成就。

Irma Boom (1960) is a book maker. Boom is not only the designer of the books but works also as editor. She has created over 300 books and is known for her artistic autonomy within her field. Her bold experimental approach to her projects often challenges the convention of traditional books in both physical design and printed content.

Since 1992 Boom has been a senior critic at Yale University in the US and gives lectures and workshops world wide. She has been the recipient of many awards for her book designs and was the youngest ever laureate to receive the prestigious Gutenberg prize for her complete oeuvre. Boom’s books are in the permanent collection of MoMA, Art Insitute Chicago, and Centre Pompidou in Paris. The Special Collections of the University of Amsterdam collects the complete oeuvre and archive of documents in the so called The Living Archive. In 2014 Boom received the Johannes Vermeer Award (the Dutch state prize for the arts) from the Minister of Education, Culture and Science. The jury unanimously awarded Boom for her unparallelled achievements in the field of graphic design.

Irma Boom has been a guest on 1 episode.