Cao Fei 曹斐

Special guest

1978 年生于广州,现在北京工作及生活。曹斐是活跃于国际舞台的新晋中国青年艺术家。她的作品融合社会评论、流行美学,参考超现实主义并运用纪录片拍摄手法,反映当代中国社会急速不安的变化。

曹斐曾参加过的国际双年展和三年展包括:上海双年展、莫斯科双年展、台北双年展、第15 及17 届悉尼双年展、伊斯坦堡双年展、横滨三年展,以及第50、52 和56 届威尼斯双年展。她的作品曾在伦敦蛇形画廊、泰特美术馆;纽约新美术馆、古根海姆博物馆、现代艺术博物馆;及巴黎路易威登基金会、巴黎东京宫、蓬皮杜艺术中心等地方展出。

近期项目包括所罗门 ‧ 古根海姆美术馆何鸿毅家族基金中国艺术计划,香港大馆美术馆个展和杜塞尔多夫K21美术馆举行的回顾展。

曹斐于2010年获提名“雨果博斯艺术奖”及“未来一代艺术奖”。 2006和2016年分别获得“中国当代艺术奖CCAA”的“最佳青年艺术家”奖项及“最佳艺术家奖”。2016 年获“昆卡双年展”的“Piedra de Sal 奖”。

Born in 1978 in Guangzhou, Cao Fei is one of the most innovative young Chinese artists to have emerged on the international scene. Currently living in Beijing, she mixes social commentary, popular aesthetics, references to Surrealism, and documentary conventions in her films and installations. Her works reflect on the rapid and chaotic changes that are occurring in Chinese society today.

Cao Fei’s works were showcased at a number of international biennales and triennales, including Shanghai Biennale, Moscow Biennale, Taipei Biennale, the 15th & 17th Biennale of Sydney, Istanbul Biennale, Yokohama Triennale, and the 50th, 52nd & 56th Venice Biennale. She also exhibited her works and projects at Serpentine Gallery and Tate Modern in London; New Museum, Guggenheim Museum, and MoMA in New York; Fondation Louis Vuitton, Palais de Tokyo, and Centre Pompidou in Paris.

Cao Fei’s recent projects include the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Chinese Art Initiative at Guggenheim Museum New York, solo show at Tai Kwun Contemporary in Hong Kong and retrospective at K21 Dusseldorf.

She was a nominee for the Future Generation Art Prize 2010 and the finalist of Hugo Boss Prize 2010. She received the Chinese Contemporary Art Award (CCAA) Best Young Artist Award in 2006 and Best Artist Award in 2016. She was also the recipient of Piedra de Sal Award at Cuenca Biennale in 2016.

Cao Fei 曹斐 has been a guest on 1 episode.