胡伟爔 Julia Hu

Special guest

2019 年起担任佳士得中国区总经理之职,负责在中国内地业务的运营与发展。胡女士于 2012 年加入佳士得,翌年担任亚洲区业务发展部主管,而后担任佳士得亚洲区域办事处主管暨副总裁。在加入佳士得前,胡女士于麦肯锡大中华区担任项目经理一职。

Julia Hu has been appointed General Manager, China since 2019, assuming operational management responsibility for Christie’s offices in Shanghai and Beijing. Ms. Hu joined Christie’s from McKinsey & Company in 2012 and has been with the firm ever since. She was appointed Head of Business Development, Asia in 2013 and held the role of Vice President, Head of Regional Offices before her current appointment.

胡伟爔 Julia Hu has been a guest on 1 episode.