李振华 Li Zhenhua
Special guest
1975 出生于北京,现工作于苏黎世、柏林和香港 。 1996 以来活跃于当代艺术领域,实践主要围绕策展、艺术创作和项目管理。现任香港巴塞尔艺博会光映现场策展人(自2014)、瑞士保罗克利美术馆夏日学院推荐人、瑞士Prix Pictet摄影节推荐 ,曾担任英国巴比肯国际展览“数字革命” 国际顾问,自2015年担任澳大利亚SymbioticA机构国际顾问、香港录影太奇顾问。李振华曾主持编撰艺术家个人出版物《颜磊:我喜欢做的》, 《冯梦波:西游记》, 《胡介鸣:一分钟的一百年》和《杨福东:离信之雾》。2013年艺术评论以《Text》为书名出版。2015年获得艺术权力榜年度策展人奖(2014),艺术新闻亚洲艺术贡献奖年度策展人奖,2016年第三届乌拉尔当代艺术工业双年展(2015)获得俄罗斯创新奖地区当代艺术计划奖。
Li Zhenhua is a multi-media artist, curator and producer. He has worked with Chinese as well as international contemporary art and culture since 1996. Among the highlights of his productions: the first international new media art festival MAAP, Beijing Millennium Museum in 2002, as well as bringing the London festival onedotzero moving image to the Beijing Today Art Gallery in 2004. Recent projects: Li Zhenhua was project manager and producer of the Synthetic Time: Media Art China 2008 at NAMOC (National Art Museum of China), curator for the CINA CINA CINA exhibition in CCCS Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy and of the 3rd Nanjing Triennial. He also functioned as an advisor to Leonardo Journal.
李振华 Li Zhenhua has been a guest on 1 episode.
Episode 2: 李振华: 新媒体艺术还是否新?
November 14th, 2018 | 33 mins 43 secs