Nikita Yingqian Cai 蔡影茜

Special guest

广东时代美术馆副馆长及首席策展人。蔡影茜在时代美术馆策划了一系列展览,包括“一个(非)美术馆”(2011)、“蒋志:如果这是一个人”(联合策展,2012),“不想点别的事情,简直就无法思考”(2014)、“罗曼·欧达科:脚本”(2015),“大尾象:一小时、没空间、五回展”(2016);“从不扔东西的人” (2017),“潘玉良:沉默的旅程(巴黎站)”(2017)。2012年起,她在时代美术馆发起了泛策展系列,以一年一度的研讨会及相关出版物为主要载体,将当代艺术置于一个相对广阔的政治、经济及文化语境之内进行考察,并将策展定义为一种跨学科的思考、研究、空间实践和知识交换的方式,历年主题包括:“脚踏无地:变化中的策展”(与卢迎华联合策划,2012)、“无为而为——弱机构主义与机构化的艺术实践” (与比利安娜·思瑞克联合策划,2013) 、“宅野之间——修身养性或持续革命”(与崔彬娜联合策划,2014) 、“未知之知:研究之于艺术实践”(2015)、“礼尚往来:收藏的展演”(2016)等。基于该系列的出版物包括《策展话题(中文版)》、《脚踏无地:变化中的策展》(与卢迎华联合主编,2014),以及《无为而为:机制批判的生与死》(与比利安娜·思瑞克联合主编,2014)。她也是一位评论家,长期为《艺术界》、、Yishu等艺术杂志和媒体撰稿。

Associate Director and Chief Curator at Guangdong Times Museum. She has curated such exhibitions as A Museum That is Not (2011), Jiang Zhi: If This is a Man (2012), You Can Only Think about Something if You Think of Something Else (2014), Roman Ondák: Storyboard (2015), Big Tail Elephants: One Hour, No Room, Five Shows (2016), The Man Who Never Threw Anything Away (2017), Pan Yuliang: A Journey to Silence at Villa Vassilieff, Paris (2017). She is also organizing the para-curatorial series at Guangdong Times Museum, which features an annual discursive platform and has covered topics such as: No Ground Underneath: Curating on the Nexus of Changes (2012), Active Withdrawal: Weak Institutionalism and the Institutionalization of Art Practice, (co-organized with Biljana Ciric, 2013), Cultivate or Revolutionize? Life between Apartment and Farmland (co-organized with Binna Choi, 2014), Between Knowing and Unknowing: Research in-and-through Art (2015), and Reciprocal Encounters: The Enactment of Collecting and its Modes of Representation (2016). Her writings have appeared in a number of publications and magazines, and she is a contributing writer to LEAP,, Arttime, and Yishu Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art.

Nikita Yingqian Cai 蔡影茜 has been a guest on 1 episode.