谭卓 Tan Zhuo

Special guest

谭卓自出道以来主演的影片在戛纳、威尼斯、釜山 、金马等十几个国际A类电影节入围。 由谭卓担任女主角的《我不是药神》是2018年年度票房第三、年度首周票房第一的影片。这部电影的巨大影响力推动了中国医疗制度的完善,是2018年最受欢迎且引起大众共鸣的电影。2018年中国上映的本土现实题材电影中,有两部评分在八分以上的作品:《暴裂无声》与《我不是药神》,皆由谭卓领衔主演。谭卓首部电视剧《延禧攻略》,累计播放量突破180亿,在三家电视台轮番播出,其版权已分销至全世界90多个国家,风靡海内外。亚洲经典话剧《如梦之梦》2018年六度巡演,该剧自开演始终一票难求,谭卓于该剧中扮演女主角顾香兰,被观众誉为“颠倒众生的上海滩尤物”。近10年来首次有女演员主演的电影、电影剧、话剧在同一年皆成为票房冠军,可谓是谭卓的爆发年,而她本人更是被在中国影迷中最有影响力的媒体“豆瓣”评为2018年度最受关注女演员第一名。

Since her debut, Tan Zhuo has played roles in many films that were nominated for a number of competitive feature film festivals including the Cannes Film Festival, the Venice Film Festival, the Busan International Film Festival and the Golden Horse Awards. She played the heroine of Dying to Survive which took the third place at China’s box office and topped the first week box office in 2018. As the most popular film in 2018, Dying to Survive had a significant impact on the improvement of China’s healthcare system. Tan Zhuo was also the leading actress of Wrath of Silence, another film that was highly praised in China. Story of Yanxi Palace, the first TV drama she played in, has a total view count of over 18 billions and was broadcast on three TV channels successively. The drama whose copyright has been sold to more than 90 countries is truly well known at home and abroad. As a classic stage play in Asia, A Dream Like A Dream was a box office success, performed six times this year. Tan Zhuo, playing Gu Xianglan, the young protagonist of the play, was regarded as a real stunner in Shanghai by the audience. Tan Zhuo is the first actress whose film, TV drama and stage play all reached the top in one year over the last decade, so it is fair to say that she made a major breakthrough in 2018. In addition, she was chosen as the most popular actress by Douban, the most influential medium among film fans in China.

谭卓 Tan Zhuo has been a guest on 1 episode.