蒋璐阳 Luyang Jiang Hildebrandt

Co-Host of BoomEar

蒋璐阳在媒体、金融、企业管理咨询和艺术等领域拥有二十多年的专业经验。蒋璐阳的职业生涯始于16岁时考⼊重庆电视台新闻中心,19岁加入中国中央电视台担任财经新闻主持人。在获得美国伯克利加州大学哈斯商学院(Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley)工商管理学士学位之后,她曾就职于硅谷著名创业及风险投资杂志《Red Herring》(《红鲱鱼》),之后受邀再次回到北京加入中央电视台财经频道,创办并主持了商业财经类谈话节目《商务时间》。 其后,蒋璐阳先后任职中国首家投资银行中国国际金融有限公司(CICC)、德国罗兰贝格战略咨询公司,并曾任佳士得国际拍卖行亚洲区副总裁。蒋璐阳现居住于德国科隆。

Luyang Jiang Hildebrandt has over 20 years of professional experience in various fields including media, finance, management consultancy and art. Starting her career in journalism as a TV anchor in China at the age of 16, she obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Haas School of Business at the University of California Berkeley, and worked in Silicon Valley before returning to Asia. She launched a business talk show for China Central Television, and worked for China’s first investment bank CICC, German consulting firm Roland Berger, and Christie’s Asia. Luyang lives in Cologne, Germany.

蒋璐阳 Luyang Jiang Hildebrandt has hosted 19 Episodes.